


42.4247° N, 18.7712° E

Kotor, is kind of an out of the way place to get to. You could fly in via Podgorica or road trip in via Croatia or Albania. I chose the Albania route. While the actual border crossing was a bit sketchy (the driver of our bus left for what seemed like an hour with everyones passport), I did make it to Kotor fine after all was said and done. What  a beautiful town. Very clean, and when the weather is good, very pleasant to take in all the sights it has to offer.


Kotor can be thurougly enjoyed in 4 days i think.  It's no wonder it's a popular day stop for cruise ships in the area. I think the biggest challenge with Kotor is the weather. It was sunny the first day I was there and then it was non-stop rain the rest of the time, which the streets become really slippery and hiking up to the castle is not happening.


Map of Kotor, I would say 3-4 days is plenty. There were a couple things just outside Kotor that I didn't get to see because of weather and time but I think as a long weekend trip, you can get the gist of Kotor.
